How Window Film Saves You Energy

If you're like us, then you probably think about energy conservation a lot. We do our best to keep our lights off when we leave a room, unplug appliances when they're not in use, and even turn off the water when we're brushing our teeth. But what about your windows?

Windows are one of the biggest energy drains in your home. They let in light and heat, which is great for comfort—but it also means that more heat is escaping from the home than necessary. And if you live in an area where the weather gets cold during the winter months, this could be costing you a pretty penny!

Did you know that window film can save you energy?

Window film in Madison not only reduces the amount of heat that enters your home but it also prevents UV rays from entering your home and damaging furniture, flooring, and other household items.

When you install window film on your windows, you'll see an immediate reduction in heating costs because the film keeps out up to 80% of heat from getting into your home. This means lower energy bills!

It helps stop the sun's heat from entering a home, which can lower air conditioning costs by up to 45%. It also reflects up to 80% of the sun's heat away from windows and walls, which keeps them cooler, preventing the need for heating on sunny days. This is especially important in hot climates, where cooling systems are used more often than heating systems.

And when you combine that with the fact that window film also blocks out up to 99% of UV rays (which can damage furniture), it's a no-brainer decision to invest in window film for your home.


You might think that adding window film to your home is an expensive upgrade that won't save you much money on your energy bills. But think again! Since window film reduces the amount of heat coming through your windows, it will keep your house cooler during the summer and warmer in the winter. That means you won't have to use as much air conditioning or heat!

And if you're worried about whether or not window film in Madison will work for your home? Don't worry: there are many different kinds of window films available for purchase (and even more options when it comes to customizing them). So, no matter what kind of home you have, there's a type of window film for everyone.

4 Common Mistakes That Cause Leaky Gutters

Leaky gutters are a pain. They cause water to leak onto your home and potentially ruin the exterior of your house, which is pretty bad for resale value. But that's not all! Leaky gutters also can cause leaks in your attic, which can lead to mold or mildew growth and compromised insulation. Not good!

So, what causes leaky gutters? Here are 4 common mistakes that make them leak, so you can avoid them in the future:

1. Not cleaning your gutters regularly. If your gutters aren't cleaned out regularly, debris can build up and create leaks at weak spots in the gutter system. This also increases the chances of mold growth, which can lead to bigger problems down the road! 

Leaky gutters can become clogged with leaves, twigs, and other debris that you don't even notice until they're causing water damage to your home. Cleaning them regularly will help prevent this! 

2. Using the wrong type of gutter guard. There are tons of options for gutter guards out there—and some of them work better than others! If you're looking for something that will last longer and won't need replacement as often, check out metal or copper guards instead of plastic ones (which tend to degrade quickly).

3. Not using a professional installer if needed. If you have any questions about whether or not something is safe or legal for your area (like when installing rain barrels), always contact an expert before proceeding with any installation or repair project yourself!

4. Not getting your gutters inspected every year by a professional company. They will check for any problems or damage before they become serious issues which may require more extensive repairs or replacement of parts which would be expensive so it's much better to catch them early before this happens!

Schedule Professional Gutter Cleaning in Madison:

If your gutters are clogged, water will pool in them and damage your home. The last thing you want is your gutters to overflow and cause a leak in your basement, garage, or attic. That's why it's important to keep them clean year-round.

But don't worry! There's no need to climb up on a ladder yourself—Maddison Window Service has got this one covered. With our team of experts on hand, we can take care of all your gutter cleaning needs so you don't have to worry about it. Our team is trained in all aspects of gutter cleaning and repair so that we can help you no matter what kind of problem you're facing. To know more about our gutter cleaning in Madison, call us at (608) 852-6222!